Vector Field Processing

In this post, I explain different ways to design and create vector fields on discrete surfaces in Libigl.

Least Square Conformal Mapping

In this post, I explain how to calculate least square conformal mappings of discrete surfaces.

Cross-Country-Skiing in Virtual-Reality

In this post, I explain how I implemented a Locomotion technique for a virtual reality application in Unity for an Oculus Quest.

Make It Stand - Balancing 3D-Shapes

In this post, I explain how we created software that generates a tilted 3D shape in a stable standing pose that can then be printed by a 3D printer.

Contactless Heart Rate Measurement

In this post, I explain how we created software that can determine the heart rate from a video capture of the face.

Construction of Theta-Sections of higher degree line bundles over a torus.

In this bachelor thesis we explain the derivation of Theta Sections with modern differential geometric tools.