Heart Rate Measurement through Computer Vision

For many applications in telemedicine or in a security context a contactless heart rate measurement can be great interest useful. Most of the conventional approaches use a wearable object like a chest belt or a special watch. In the mentioned cases, this is not always applicable. Therefore one is interested in methods, that can extract the heart rate from a video feed. This project was part of the Computer Vision introduction course at École Polytechnique and is mainly based on this article

Make it Stand - Balancing Shapes for 3D-printing

Through the evolution of 3D-printers, the it has become more and more easy to produce prototypes of 3 dimensional shapes. In this project we developed our first software to produce shapes and printable objects for a 3D-printer. This project was part as a final project of the École Polytechnique course “X-INF 573 Digital Representations and Analysis of Shapes”. The aim of this project was to give an input shape, define an angle an orientation axis and then to carve out and deform the shape, such that the new modified shape can stand in this desired position.

Implementation of Ski Locomotion in Virtual Reality.

In my locomotion project I went for an approach to imitate cross-country-skiing in VR. The overall idea will be, that you have to move your arms from top to down, and this then gives you a push. I used the environment build by Wen-Jie Tseng, that he provided for our class under this link. This was my starting point, to modify the position of the OVRCamera Rig with its controllers, in order to move.